1、基于构效关系揭示鸭蛋蛋清肽高效促钙吸收机制 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:31671803),2017年 2、玉米肽的醒酒保肝功能及其分子机制研究 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:30972043),2010年 3、灵芝生物活性肽链形态结构与抗氧化保肝作用机制研究 国家自然科学基金项目(项目编号:30570190)2006年 4、玉米活性肽的特定酶解与在线膜分离集成技术 国家863计划项目(项目编号:2008AA10Z314)2008年
1、何慧,黄文浩,吕杰. 一种高活性玉米降血压肽的制备方法 (专利号:ZL 2010 1 0511772.3) 授权公告日:2013年9月4日。 2、何慧,董华伟,赵宁宁. 一种咸蛋清的脱盐方法(专利号:ZL 2011 1 0409843.3)授权公告日:2014年01月08日
代表性论文 1、Danjun Guo, Weiwei Liu, Xing Zhang, Mengge Zhao, Biyang Zhu, Tao Hou*, and Hui He*. Duck egg white-derived peptide VSEE (Val-Ser-Glu-Glu) regulates bone and lipid metabolisms by Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway and intestinal microbiota, Molecular Nutrition & Food Research, 2019 (accepted) DOI:10.1002/mnfr.201900525. (IF: 4.658) 2、Biyang Zhu, Tao Hou*, and Hui He*. Calcium-binding casein phosphopeptides-loaded chitosan oligosaccharides core-shell microparticles for controlled calcium delivery: Fabrication, characterization, and in vivo release studies. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2019.11 (IF: 4.784) 3、Weiwei Liu, Tao Hou*, Xing Zhang, Hui He*. TGF-β1/Smad7 signaling pathway and cell apoptosis: two key aspects of Selenium-biofortified soybean peptides attenuating liver fibrosis. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019 (63),1-8. (IF: 3.197) 4、Wen Shi , Tao Hou, Danjun Guo, Hui He*. Evaluation of hypolipidemic peptide (Val-Phe- Val-Arg-Asn) virtual screened from chickpea peptides by pharmacophore model in high-fat diet-induced obese rat. Journal of Functional Foods, 2019, 54, 136–145. (IF: 3.197) 5、Wen Shi, Tao Hou, Weiwei Liu, Danjun Guo, Hui He*. The hypolipidemic effects of peptides prepared from Cicer arietinum in ovariectomized rats and HepG2 cells. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2018. DOI: 10.1002/jsfa.9218. (IF:2.379) 6、Weiwei Liu, Tao Hou, Wen Shi, Danjun Guo, Hui He*. Hepatoprotective effects of selenium-biofortified soybean peptides on liver fibrosis induced by tetrachloromethane. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 50, 183-191. (IF: 3.197) 7、Hou, T.; Lu, Y.; Guo, D.; Liu W.; Shi, W. and He, H.*. A pivotal peptide (Val-Ser-Glu-Glu) from duck egg white promotes calcium uptake and structure-activity relationship study. Journal of Functional Foods, 2018, 48, 448-456. (IF: 3.154) 8、Hou, T.; Liu, W.; Shi, W.; Ma, Z.; He, H.*. Desalted duck egg white peptides promote calcium uptake by counteracting the adverse effects of phytic acid. Food Chemistry, 2017, 219, 428-435. (IF: 4.946) 9、Hou, T.; Liu Y.; Guo D.; Bo L.; He, H*. Collagen Peptides from Crucian Skin Improve Calcium Bioavailability and Structural Characterization by HPLC−ESI-MS/MS. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2017. (IF: 3.412) 10、Hou, T.; Liu Y.; Kolba N.; Guo D.; He, H.*. Desalted duck egg white peptides promote calcium uptake and modulate bone formation in the retinoic acid-induced bone loss and Caco-2 model. Nutrients, 2017, 9, 490. (IF: 4.196) 11、Hou, T.; Wang, C.; Ma, Z.; Shi, W.; Lui, W.; He, H.*, Desalted Duck Egg White Peptides: Promotion of Calcium Uptake and Structure Characterization. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2015, 63, 8170-8176. (IF: 3.154) 指导研究生优秀论文 1、鸭蛋蛋清肽通过TRPV6钙离子通道提高钙生物利用率活性、机制及构效关系研究. 校优秀博士论文 侯焘 2018 2、脱盐咸鸭蛋清促钙吸收肽的制备、修饰及增加骨密度作用研究. 省优秀硕士论文 赵宁宁 2015 3、连续化酶膜耦合法制备高活性ACE抑制玉米肽研究. 校优秀硕士论文 黄文浩 2012 4、灵芝活性肽的保肝活性研究及其结构初探. 省优秀硕士论文 石燕玲 2009 5、双酶法制备玉米肽及其醒酒保肝机理研究. 校优秀硕士论文 郭辉 2009 教学情况 1、教学岗位能手A(2018) 2、校教学成果二等奖 (2016) 3、食品化学教研室获优秀基层教学组织奖 (2014) 4、国家精品资源共享课程“食品化学与分析”的课程负责人(2013) 5、教学质量优秀一等奖(2008) 招收研究生专业 1、食品科学 2、生物医药
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